Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Surgeon General's Warning Re: "The Noricin Chronicles"

It appears that there is a common side-effect amongst readers who read my book series The Noricin Chronicles late at night, and therefore the Surgeon General has stepped in and adamantly requested that I issue this warning.

As those of you who have read the books should already know, there is a character named Nevar Loeren who has what some might call an unhealthy obsession with pancakes. I have received numerous reports from readers that reading about Mr. Loeren's exploits in pancakes late at night apparently causes intense and irresistible cravings for pancakes.

So, please be careful when reading The Noricin Chronicles late at night, and always make sure to have some Bisquick handy or a twenty-four hour IHOP within driving distance.

I am now going to go out and buy some stock in Bisquick and IHOP.

Thank you.

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